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Fuse All

You might find yourself in a situation where you have an array of shapes (2D or 3D) and you just want to fuse (or intersect) them all together. The following snippet just does this

const fuseAll = (shapes) => {
let result = shapes[0];
shapes.slice(1).forEach((shape) => {
result = result.fuse(shape);
return result;

Let's show an example (also using polar copies).

const { drawCircle } = replicad;

const polarCopies = (shape, count, radius) => {
const base = shape.translate(0, radius);
const angle = 360 / count;

const copies = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
copies.push(base.clone().rotate(i * angle));
return copies;

const fuseAll = (shapes) => {
let result = shapes[0];
shapes.slice(1).forEach((shape) => {
result = result.fuse(shape);
return result;

function main() {
return fuseAll(polarCopies(drawCircle(5), 5, 7));